There is a point during meditation which many people might have felt that your brain is no more asking you questions or you are no more wondering about anything. Everything is like silent or you may say a blank paper which is as fresh as a new born bay after baby gets up from the sleep all full of energy and all happy.
It is not necessary that this this state of mind will be experienced only by people who do meditation or are following any strict yoga practices. It can be experienced by any one and every one. But the only condition to experience it is you need to have patience and faith. So if you are ready to go with me on this journey of complete silence in your mind just follow simple instructions.
Close your eyes sit straight spine straight
When you Inhale you stomach/belly should blow out hold for a second exhale push your stomach\ belly in again hold for a second.
Repeat this whole cycle 12 times in one go inhale hold exhale hold and make sure your belly is moving as said. You may repeat this 3times a day. Please do this exercise empty stomach only. No pressure on breathing should be taken. After doing this feel the difference and do leave your comments after trying this.