Prosperity Meditation
The moment you align your mind with your body and your heart with your soul, you immediately start attracting prosperity of all kind into your life. Why? Because the universe we live in is constantly expanding, constantly growing, and so are we. And the more we honor our nature and the truth of who we are, the more we open ourselves to the prosperity that is present within us and all around us.
And our guided meditation will help you connect with the truth of who you are so that you can attract more prosperity and abundance into your life.
Yoga Prana Prosperity Courses
- Discover the law of nature and how can you align yourself to it for your benefit.
- Greater clarity to understand your goals and targets.
- Learn multiple ways of creating powerful thought forms that will guide your life to success.
- Purge old lingering habits and negative programming regarding success, prosperity, abundance and good health.
- The Science of Tithiing and Decreeing.
- Learn the law of entitlement to encash from your Karma Bank.
- Discover the Eye Mudras, Hand Mundras and Chakrams which affect your prosperity.
- Discover the environment energies from different directions and their effect on health, wealth, relationships & spirituality.
Learn about right direction to face for achieving success in business.- Learn the secrets of prosperity in kitchen.
- Learn the direction your child should face to enhance intelligence and concentration.
- Accelerate your spiritual development by meditating in right direction.
- Learn about the directions from which the positive & prosperous energy enter into your house and business.
Business Management
- Discover how to run Prosperous Business using spiritual laws.
- To increase business success and profits using laws of inner world.
- Improve happiness quotient with proven breathing and meditation techniques.
- Rapid and instant physical and mental recharging techniques.
- To develop clear and sharp mind through Meditation.
- Learn how to maintain productive, efficient and harmonious business/work environment.
- Effective Time Management.
- Improve Professional and personal relationships.
- Learn about the Seven Rays and how they effect human behavior.