Help Yourself

Self help is something many people struggle to do, as many people rely upon others to sort out their problem or to blame other people as to why they are having such a hard time. Knowing your problem in life could be causing you to feel an emotional wreck suffering...

Sanat Kumara

Sanat kumara was one of the Four Kumaras, the four Manasputras (mind-born-sons) or spiritual sons of Brahma according to Puranic texts of Hinduism, including the Bhagavata Purana, whose other sons were Sanaka, Sanatana, and Sanandana. Sanatkumara in Sanskrit means...

Laughing Buddha

Budai or Pu-Tai[1][2] (Chinese: 布袋; pinyin: Bùdài), or Hotei in Japanese, Bố Đại in Vietnamese, is a Chinese folkloric deity. His name means “Cloth Sack,” and comes from the bag that he is conventionally depicted as carrying. He is usually identified with...


Padmasambhava (lit. “Lotus-Born”), also known as the Second Buddha, was a sage guru from Oddiyana, northwestern Classical India (in the modern-day Swat Valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan). Padmasambhava is said to have transmitted Vajrayana Buddhism to...