First, we must answer the question, ‘what exactly is healing?’

Energy Healing
Healing is about bringing any imbalance into alignment with its natural state of functioning.
Every organ in our bodies has a natural or ‘healthy’ state of functioning as do our emotional, mental and spiritual states. When we are out of balance, we feel like something is out of place – whether it comes in the form of emotional or physical pain or discomfort – and we naturally want to return to our natural state of harmony, when everything ‘works’ as intended. This process of rebalancing is synonymous with healing.
Healing works when we we approach life from all aspects of being – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

Yoga Prana Vidya
E.g. You’ve got to give the injury time to heal. Healing is the process by which immunity of the body is improved. For example when a house wife is working at home and gets a cut on her finger what do you think she would do to heal her from this pain? She would either put her finger under running water or will suck the blood and leave it. So after a while blood would stop bleeding. This means that your body has the ability to heal but when you take a healing immediately for a cut it is possible to heal it in minutes.
Based on experiments & clairvoyant observation, a sick person suffering from fever has greyish energy surrounding the body. Healing works by cleansing or removing the dirty energy from the energy body and by energizing i.e. transferring healthy energy to patient. Cleansing removes the cause of the ailment and energizing accelerates the healing process of the body.

Healthy Human Aura
Various Types of Healing We Provide :-
→Relief from Physical Ailments
Back Ache, Blood Pressure, Heart Ailments, Migraine and much more…
→Relief from Emotional and Mental Issues
Relationship Issue between family members, between colleagues, Stress management and much more..
Business prosperity solutions and for individuals the Financial issues are resolved by going to the Root cause.
Weight loss often starts with inches. Find out what you don’t know about how they melt off. It’s not only the least expensive and most effective. The changes are noticeable from 1st session on-wards.
→Energy Facial and Rejuvenating Skin
Removes blemishes, Remove face lines, Face tightening.
During treatment we remove stress related energies that are deeply embedded into facial tissue.