Healing is an ancient science using the ‘Chi or ‘Prana Energy’ which is practiced by many yogis and healers from a long time. In all Ýoga Prana teaches the technology used by YOGA PRANA VIDYA. Yoga means Union, Prana Vidya is knowledge of using Pranic Energy (Available abundantly in sunlight, earth & air).

Yoga Prana Vidya Healing
Yoga Prana Healing or Yoga Prana Vidya is an ancient method of balancing the physical body, the personality, the environment of a person’s life. It teaches us how to balance various factors of life, through the use of energy, without touching the body. It results in union of body, mind & Soul. Yoga Prana Healing is vital force energy based treatments/training and holistic alternative medicine for mental emotional and physical pain.
It is a NO DRUG NO TOUCH THERAPY and can be applied to a person who is miles away. Yoga Prana Healing treats a person on physical, emotional and mental levels. This is done by treating energy body which is a mould or blue print of visible physical body. Yoga Prana Vidya healing techniques act as a powerful catalyst to spark the body inborn ability to heal itself. However, it is not meant to replace orthodox medicine but rather to complement and enhance it. It is a holistic approach without side effects.
There are many paths of achieving illumination and spiritual oneness. One of the paths is through knowledge and understanding which require physical and inner purification. More emphasis should be on purification and generating good karma.
For those who want to grow on the path of spirituality Yoga Prana goes beyond Mental or Emotional Boundaries. Various practices originate in many cultures, and can be found in early Vedic literature of India, as Yogi Ramacharaka, was the first who wrote about “Healing” in his book the science of Psychic healing written in 1909. By which ever name one chose to call this modality it has been demonstrated that vital life energy may be used for many positive purposes- such as Enhancing the quality of one’s Physical health, uplifting ones Emotional and Mental state, for harmonizing one’s environment, to increase spiritual development and it may even be used to increase one’s prosperity.
Energy Facial and Rejuvenating Skin
The first sign of anything wrong in our body and definitely to do with our Brain, show on our face. The energy field of the face represents the entire field, so anything we do that rejuvenates our face actually rejuvenates our brain and the rest of the body as well.
Relief from Emotional and Mental Issues
Stress or tension manifests as malfunctioning of the chakra. The health rays are partially affected and are clairvoyantly seen as wavy instead of straight. The outer aura is slightly grayish. Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands.
Relief from Financial Problems & Difficulties
ost people find money liberating. Financial stress is sadly widespread experience. Stress is linked to hereliefalth problems like depression and sleep problems. With less money in the budget, people who are already under financial stress .
Relief from Physical Ailments
A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism. It may be caused by factors originally from an external source, such as infectious disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions, such as autoimmune diseases.
Weight-Loss & Body-Sculpting
Healing can help you lose weight by regulating the appetite, removing excessive cravings for food and sugar, removing negative emotional energy that may be contributing to the weight gain, as well as increasing one’s will power.
The Ancient Art and Science of Prana Healing
Prana Healing is a form of energy healing which makes use of Prana, or vital energy, in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. As an art and science, Prana Healing was widely practiced in ancient civilizations in India, Egypt and China. In Prana Healing, cure is effected by simply removing diseased energies from the patient’s invisible energy body and by transferring fresh vital energy (Prana) to the affected areas with the use of the hands. Using a scientific “no-touch” methodology, Prana Healing can prevent, alleviate, and heal a whole spectrum of physical, emotional, and mental ailments. Because the methods are simple and fairly easy to understand, anyone can learn and apply Prana healing in no time at all.
I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through the last few weeks if it weren’t for you and I’m so grateful. So thank you so much !!!
Thank you for the session with you. I definitely feel that something has shifted and I feel better for it. You have done really amazing work.
I just wanted to say “Thank You” for Friday’s session and for all that you and your gift have done for me this year. You are a true blessing.
Benefited after healing taken. All the issues we’re facing resolved within a month and continue healing maintained the improvements.
Yoga Prana Vidya Courses

Yoga Prana healing is based on the principle that human body has the ability to heal itself. With the techniques of Yoga Prana, the natural healing process of our physical body can be accelerated and hence, enabling a person to recover faster. This is done by balancing the energy system of a person. Any kind of blockages in the energy field of a person, easily be removed .

Yoga Prana Vidya enables you discover the law of nature and how can you align yourself to it for your benefit. Learn multiple ways of creating powerful thought forms that will guide your life to success. Learn about right direction to face for achieving success in business. Learn how to maintain productive, efficient and harmonious business/work environment.

To them who are on a quest for spirituality, Yoga Prana Vidya provides the right training and scope. For those dedicated to their spiritual development, these experiential classes encourage personal mystical experiences and are designed to help fulfill your soul’s potential. You will receive instruction and guidance from our experienced & certified healers.
Ancestrol Period (Pitr Paksha)
Pitru Paksha (Ancestral Period) is meant for paying obeisance to the dead relatives, pleasing them, asking for forgiveness, and ridding oneself of the Pitru Dosha (or the curse of ancestors). The Pitru Paksha is an important 16-day long period in the Hindu calendar....
Golden Rule
karma referred simply to ritual and sacrificial action. The universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future modes of an individual’s existence. Karma serves two main functions within our society : it provides the major motivation to live a...
Guru is a Sanskrit term for a "teacher, guide, expert, or master" of certain knowledge or field. In Indian traditions, a guru is more than a teacher. In Sanskrit, guru means the one who removes the darkness and takes the student towards the light, traditionally a...